Customer Testimonials

Great experience with TCSP staff. They were able to solve an issue that other tech support staff could not resolve on my computer. I call Best Buy support no help, Microsoft no help either. After I got in contact with TCSP they take care all the problems. I highly recommend Felipe IT person. Thank you!!!

Elaine D Insurance Broker Darien, CT January 10, 2017

Jorge and his crew are excellent.

Very professional, reasonable, pleasant to deal with but best of all… they know what they are doing.

Paolo T Diversified Las Vegas, NV December 15, 2016

We needed to improve the security of the wifi for Our business. They installed all of the cables and equipment and the system is running smoothly. All of the work was done in a timely manner. The service was great. Highly recommend Their services.

Rufino G Property Restoration Stamford, CT October 26, 2016

I really appreciate what Jorge and Felipe have done for my business. I’ve had for many months IT reps come to the office and not been able to properly fix my computers and phones. Instead they create more problems and expenses for me. Jorge took the time to analyze my phone system software, my computers and walked me to the process of how to manage and fix the issues. He provided other solutions for my business to work smarter not harder. I recommend them to any small business.

Fabian D Insurance Broker Norwalk, CT August 10, 2016

Your IT Person Felipe Fuentealba is amazing. So nice, polite and very very knowledgeable. A pleasure to work with. No problem recommending him or TCSP to anyone. In fact I have done so already.
Thanks again.

Liz O Surgical Practice Cos Cob, CT July 14, 2016

Their man Darnell came an hour after we spoke. He spent 3 hours on my badly infected machine. He called his home office backup when he was stumped-I liked that, no ego, just get it done. After he left, they installed some processes running in the background overnight just to clean up some lingering issues, and even monitored it remotely! Now my system is running better than ever. Very well done.

Robert M Photography Irvington, NY March 2, 2016

My server and a couple of workstations were not backing up properly every night. Jorge from TCSP quickly addressed the problem and resolved the issue restoring my peace of mind that my data would be backed up properly every night.

Afsana Q Podiatrist New Rochelle, NY February 27, 2016

TCSP has been very helpful to our office over a number of years. Despite how many times we may call at times for various issues and questions, they are always friendly and eager to help us each time and are always quick to find a solution to all of our computer needs.

Erica C Medical Practice Fairfield, CT February 19, 2016

Professional, attention to details, the best!! enough said.

Troy Y Income Tax Preparation Mount Vernon, NY February 18, 2016

The folks at TCSP do an excellent job, are responsive when called upon and very reasonably priced. They have set up new computers and e-mail routines, re-wired my entire office after a move, and coordinated with the local Internet and Cable companies to make for seamless transitions. My recent office location went without a hitch and was completed in an afternoon. I had been looking for a responsible and knowledgeable IT firm for some time and I’m glad I found TCSP.

Douglas M Promotional Printing Norwalk, CT February 18, 2016